Higher education in Aruba

In Aruba, higher education is divided into higher professional education (HBO) and research-oriented higher education (WO), just like in the Netherlands. But there are also important differences:

  • There is 1 university in Aruba: the University of Aruba (UA). The UA offers higher professional education ( ) and research-oriented higher education ( ).
  • There is 1 other Aruban higher education institution, the Instituto Pedagogico Arubano (IPA). The IPA offers teacher-training programmes.

See Higher education | educational institutions for more information on Aruban higher education institutions.

Below, we describe diplomas from the UA and the IPA.

Diploma Opleiding tot Volledig Bevoegd Leerkracht

Students receive a Diploma Opleiding tot Volledig Bevoegd Leerkracht when they complete the Leraar Primair Onderwijs programme at the IPA. This is the teacher-training programme for primary education.

We compare a Diploma Opleiding tot Volledig Bevoegd Leerkracht to an HBO bachelor.

Akte van Bekwaamheid van de tweede graad tot het geven van voortgezet onderwijs in Nederlands

Students receive a Akte van Bekwaamheid van de tweede graad tot het geven van voortgezet onderwijs in Nederlands when they complete the IPA’s teacher-training programme for Dutch language teachers in lower secondary education. This is called the Leraar Nederlands als Vreemde Taal programme.

We compare an Akte van Bekwaamheid van de tweede graad tot het geven van voortgezet onderwijs in Nederlands to an HBO bachelor.

Bachelor of Arts in Social Work and Development

Students receive a Bachelor of Arts in Social Work and Development when they complete this profession-oriented bachelor's programme at the University of Aruba (UA). The programme is available in Dutch and in English.

We compare a Bachelor of Arts in Social Work and Development to an HBO bachelor.

Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management

Students receive a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management when they complete this profession-oriented bachelor's programme at the University of Aruba (UA). The programme is in English.

We compare a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management to an HBO bachelor.

Bachelor of Commerce

Students receive a Bachelor of Commerce when they complete this profession-oriented bachelor's programme at the University of Aruba (UA). The programme is available in Dutch and in English.

We compare a Bachelor of Commerce to an HBO bachelor.

Bachelor of Economics

Students receive a Bachelor of Economics when they complete this profession-oriented bachelor's programme at the University of Aruba (UA). The programme is available in Dutch and in English.

We compare a Bachelor of Economics to an HBO bachelor.

Bachelor of Arts in Organization, Governance and Management

Students receive a Bachelor of Arts in Organization, Governance and Management when they complete this research-oriented bachelor's programme at the University of Aruba (UA). The programme is available in Dutch and in English.

We compare a Bachelor of Arts in Organization, Governance and Management to a WO bachelor.

Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Engineering

Students receive a Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Engineering when they complete this research-oriented bachelor's programme at the University of Aruba (UA). The programme is available in Dutch and in English.

  • Duration: 3 years.
  • Study load: 180 ECTS.
  • Content: research-oriented higher education. The programme consists of general education subjects, main subjects, specialisation subjects, electives/minor, an internship and/or thesis.
  • Admission requirements: Diploma Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs.
  • Function of the diploma: work or access to master's programmes.
  • Diploma: Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Engineering.

We compare a Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Engineering to a WO bachelor.

Bachelor of Laws (LLB)

Students receive a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) when they complete this research-oriented bachelor's programme at the University of Aruba (UA). The programme is available in Dutch and in English.

  • Duration: 3 years.
  • Study load: 180 ECTS.
  • Content: research-oriented higher education. The programme consists of general education subjects, main subjects, specialisation subjects, electives/minor, an internship and/or thesis.
  • Admission requirements: Diploma Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs.
  • Function of the diploma: work or access to master's programmes.
  • Diploma: Bachelor of Laws (LLB).

We compare a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) to a WO bachelor.

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Students receive a Master of Business Administration (MBA) when they complete this profession-oriented master's programme at the University of Aruba (UA). The programme is offered in English.

  • Duration: 2 years (part-time).
  • Study load: 45 US credits (75 ECTS).
  • Content: higher professional education. In the 1st year, students take compulsory subjects and electives. In the 2nd year, they present a research proposal or business plan, which they then develop and implement.
  • Admission requirements: a bachelor’s degree and work experience.
  • Function of the diploma: work.
  • Diploma: Master of Business Administration (MBA).

We compare a Master of Business Administration (MBA) to an HBO master.

Master of Laws (LLM)

Students receive a Master of Laws (LLM) when they complete this research-oriented master's programme at the University of Aruba (UA). The programme is offered in Dutch.

  • Duration: 1 year.
  • Study load: 60 ECTS.
  • Content: research-oriented higher education. Students take subjects and electives. They complete a research assignment or an internship. Finally, students write a thesis.
  • Admission requirements: a Bachelor of Laws (LLB).
  • Function of the diploma: work.
  • Diploma: Master of Laws (LLM).

We compare a Master of Laws (LLM) to a WO master.