Note to students:
If you are preparing to apply for a scholarship, please find all the latest information and documents on the Study in NL website

Documents per application round

Round 2 2023

Grant obligations and conditions (version 10) (322.29 kB)

Obligations for Scholarship holders (version 10) (225.17 kB)

Obligations du Programme Orange Knowledge (OKP) pour les boursiers‌ (version 10) (197.55 kB)

Declaration of Co-financing (90.61 kB)

Round 1 2023

Grant obligations and conditions (version 9) (328.71 kB)

Obligations for Scholarship holders (version 9) (225.29 kB)

Obligations du Programme Orange Knowledge (OKP) pour les boursiers‌ (version 9) (197.13 kB)

Reminder procedure (98.72 kB)

Declaration of Co-financing (124.10 kB)

Documents from previous deadlines

Grant Obligations and conditions (version 8) (324.98 kB)

Obligations for Scholarship holders (version 8) (224.96 kB)

Grant Obligations and conditions (version 7) (316.15 kB)

Obligations for Scholarship holders (version 7) (194.96 kB)

Grant Obligations and Conditions (version 6) (327.9 kB)

Obligations for Scholarship holders (version 6) (194.96 kB)

Grant Obligations and Conditions (version 5) - Round 3 2020

Obligations for Scholarship holders (version 5) - Round 3 2020

Grant Obligations and Conditions (version 4) - Round 1&2 2020 (356.14 kB)

Obligations for Scholarship holders (version 4) - Round 1&2 2020 (167.92 kB)

Grant Obligations and Conditions (version 2) - 2019 (540.66 kB)

Obligations for Scholarship holders (version 2) – 2019 (142.94 kB)

Grant obligations and conditions for individual scholarships April 2019 deadline‌ (540.66 kB)

Grant Obligations and Conditions –August & November2018

Obligations for Scholarship holders –August & November 2018 (133.62 kB)

Grant Obligations and Conditions - April 2018

Obligations for Scholarship holders - April 2018 (180.84 kB)


OKP letter template non-eligible candidates‌ (25.22 kB)

OKP letter template selected candidates‌ (27.52 kB)

OKP letter template non-selected candidates‌ (24.89 kB)

Format employer's statement‌ (105.61 kB)

OKP Statement of Government Authority‌ (60.54 kB)

Declaration of co-finance (91.74 kB)

Other documents

Reporting and Reminder Procedure (version 2) (76.7 kB)

Country Focus Document (269.89 kB)

Toelichting normbedragen kennisontwikkelingsprogramma (OKP)‌ (260.19 kB) (in Dutch)

Government statement requirements Orange Knowledge Programme‌ (104.18 kB)

Orange Knowledge Programme Reminder Procedure‌ (210.7 kB)

French templates and documents

Formulaire de déclaration de l’employeur - Candidatures au Programme Orange Knowledge et MSP (93.70 kB)

Déclaration de l’autorité publique concernée - Programme Orange Knowledge (OKP) (75.26 kB)

Obligations du Programme Orange Knowledge (OKP) pour les boursiers‌ (198.33 kB)

Obligations du Programme Orange Knowledge (OKP) pour les boursiers‌ (version 9) (197.13 kB)

Thème prioritaire et focus des pays Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP) (140.29 kB)