Mentioning our programmes

When communicating about the MENA Scholarship Programme or the Orange Knowledge Programme, please mention;

  • the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the funder of the programme;
  • use the abbreviation 'OKP' or 'MSP' only after mentioning the full name: Orange Knowledge Programme or MENA Scholarship Programme;
  • refer to Nuffic as the manager of the programme;

For visual communication items:

  • use the logo of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the funder of this programme;
  • OKP: due to regulations, OKP does not have an official logo. For visual representations we simply ask you to add #OrangeKnowledge to your material together with the logo of the Ministry of Foreign Affiars and the Nuffic logo;
  • MSP: use the MSP Nuffic logo in combination with the logo of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

Programme descriptions

OKP description

To ensure uniformity in the programme’s description, always use the following text, either the short or the long version:

Short version

The Orange Knowledge Programme is a Dutch global development programme, available in developing countries and managed by Nuffic, a Dutch non-profit organisation for internationalisation in education. Launched mid-2017, it aims to have provided tens of thousands with the possibility to change their future through education and training by the end of 2024 The programme is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Long version

The Orange Knowledge Programme contributes to a society’s sustainable and inclusive development by providing access to education and training for professionals and organisations in technical vocational education and training (TVET) and higher education. It is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of its development cooperation policy. The subsidy programme is managed by Nuffic, a Dutch non-profit organisation for internationalisation in education. It offers funding for long-term, demand-driven partnerships between Dutch knowledge institutions and organisations in 20 participating countries, as well as individual scholarships and Tailor-Made Training courses in all 30 selected countries. The programme ends at the end of 2024, enabling tens of thousands to change their future. From the Dutch development cooperation policy, 4 priority themes have been selected on which to focus in the programme: Food and Nutrition Security; Water, Energy and Climate; Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights; and Security and Rule of Law. Cross-cutting themes in this programme are inclusion, employability and environmental sustainability.

MSP description

The MENA Scholarship Programme (MSP) aims to build bridges through knowledge by offering opportunities for capacity building within organisations in the Middle East and North Africa. It enables young professional impact makers to take part in short courses in the Netherlands, and it facilitates tailor made training for organisations in the region.

The MSP focuses on building strong relations between the participating countries and the Netherlands by fostering strong alumni networks. It contributes to mutual understanding and knowledge sharing. The programme is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of the Shiraka programme and managed by Nuffic.

Sharing impact & results

As an implementer in the programme we ask you to share experiences and impact stories of alumni with us, and other on social media.

When posting updates on your work, please include our account names and hashtags.

  • Facebook: please refer to @NufficGlobalDevelopment and #OrangeKnowledge or #MSP. Thanks for including the Netherlands embassy of the country involved;
  • LinkedIn: please refer to @NufficGlobalDevelopment and #OrangeKnowledge or #MSP. Please don't forget to include the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a funder;
  • X (Twitter): please mention @NufficGD and #OrangeKnowledge or #MSP. When referring to our government, make sure you use @Dutchmfa;

Please note that if you mention Nuffic as funder of the programme, this is not correct. We therefore cannot share or spread your social media message. Always mention the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the funder of the Orange Knowledge Programme/MENA Scholarship Programme.

AKVO tool
For the programme's monitoring and evaluation we will implement the AKVO Really Simple Reporting (RSR) tool. This will be in addition to the annual reporting. In this tool you can share the progress of your project – as often as you like – by posting updates on events and important steps forward.

Promotional material

You are welcome to help us promote the programmes with the following material;

Orange Knowledge Programme

MENA Scholarship Programme

Making videos

Are you making a video on an OKP project, MSP training, or any other topic? Please have a look at the following material;

Important to mention and show:

  • Include the impact of the programme. What has changed because of this project? Who has benefitted from the project? What did the Dutch partners learn from this project? What did local experts, teachers and students learn from the project?
  • Show that your project is about equal partnership and sharing knowledge together (it is not one-way of sharing knowledge);
  • Always mention that your project is part of the Orange Knowledge Programme or MENA Scholarship Programme (not abbreviated), verbally, in voice-over and in text;
  • Always mention the funder (the Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and the programme manager (Nuffic), in voice-over and in text. Please note that if you mention Nuffic as funder of the programme, this is not correct. We therefore cannot share/spread your video.

In case you are uncertain about your video, please contact or

Our most important tip
Our most important advice: spread the word! We love to see your creations. When you make a video, or other material on the programme, please share this with the world. Upload your video on youtube, share it on social media, and don't forget to inform Nuffic on the great material that you have produced. In exchange, we will help you spread your material further by sharing it with our network.

Taking photos

We would love to see pictures of the work you have done. Here are some tips:

  • When taking pictures of your project, make sure you show the people.
  • Photograph people while working - in the field, in the class room, talking to each other, learning - and don't let them pose.
  • Landscaped pictures are always more practical to use than portrait.

As a tip, please have a look at the following material;


You can download the Nuffic-logo in various formats: black for use against a light background, inverted for use against a dark background:

Logo with pay-off‌ (2.94 MB)


There has to be a margin of a minimum of 2x the width of the leg of the letter 'N', on all sides.


The logo has to be a minimum of 20 mm (160 px) wide.

Combinations with other logos

When using the Nuffic logo in combination with logos of other organisations, please follow these guidelines:

Align the logos at the bottom, making sure the pay-off ('Meet the world') appears under this line. Always place the Nuffic logo on the right-hand side of the page.

Logo of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Logo Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs‌ (1.82 MB)

Please note that the ministry has set out specific guidelines on the use of their name and logo:

Visibility and communication in partnerships with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Are you working on an article, video, roll-up banner or any other type of communication material, and are you unsure about communication regulations? Contact us: and/or