Closed calls for joint proposals institutional collaboration projects OKP
Is this your first institutional collaboration project?
Are you interested in funding for a project, but new to this instrument? Please take a look at our page on institutional collaboration projects for more information on all the basics and helpful tips.
Open calls
Currently, there are no open calls.
We will provide regular answers to incoming questions about calls for proposals on our Questions and answers page. For all calls, please use the guides and templates below.
Guidelines and templates - English
Grant application form institutional collaboration projects OKP (98.21 kB)
Statement grant applicant institutional collaboration projects OKP (63.43 kB)
Logical framework institutional collaboration projects OKP (85.97 kB)
Application assessment explanation institutional collaboration projects OKP (149.53 kB)
References of experience institutional collaboration projects OKP (64.60 kB)
Statement of availability and expertise institutional collaboration projects OKP (61.81 kB)
Grant obligations and conditions institutional collaboration projects OKP (396.2 kB)
- Example cases GOC (123.76 kB)
- Explanation GOC (123.76 kB)
5c Scoring visualisation institutional collaboration projects OKP (46.18 kB)
Organisational assessment institutional collaboration projects OKP (3.65 MB)
Financial format institutional collaboration projects OKP (70.11 kB)
COCA institutional collaboration projects OKP (79.75 kB)
Please note: processing a COCA form takes time. Make sure you submit the COCA form before applying for a proposal. You can submit a COCA form throughout the year, well before any application deadlines.
An approved COCA is valid for a maximum of 1 year and can be used for different applications. You don’t need to fill in a new COCA form for a new proposal if you still have a valid COCA form.
Guidelines and templates - French
For the Orange Knowledge grant obligations and the Checklist Organisational Capacity Assessment (COCA), please refer to the English versions above.
Cadre logique projets de cooperation institutionelle Orange Knowledge (78.18 kB)
Format financier projets de coopération institutionelle Orange Knowledge (61.15 kB)
Évaluation organisationnelle projets de coopération institutionnelle Orange Knowledge (1.26 MB)
Visualisation Résultats 5C - projets de collaboration institutionelle - Orange Knowledge (47.14 kB)