Explanatory notes

The tools are categorized into three focus areas:

  1. Internationalisation in general;
  2. Internationalisation at Home (IaH)/Internationalisation of the Curriculum (IOC);
  3. International competences.

When selecting tools for this overview, we considered factors such as applicability, availability, and a non-profit nature of the tools. Many of these tools span multiple focus areas. To maintain a clear overview, we categorised each of the tools to the focus area with which they overlap most.

This overview was compiled with great care. Various professionals from the higher education field were consulted for their input, and their experiences were included. If you have suggestions or additions, please contact Anouk Vermeulen at avermeulen@nuffic.nl.

1. Internationalisation in general

Information about the Nuffic Quickscan, Quality of internationalisation scan (QUIS) and Intercultureality.

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2. Internationalisation at Home (IaH) / Internationalisation of the Curriculum (IoC)

Information about QIC, Internationalising the curriculum: a developmental resource for initiating transformational change, THIA and ATIAH.

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3. International competences

Information about the Global Mind Monitor (GMM) and the International Competences Matrix.

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