Diploma Vergelijkbaar met
Bằng tốt nghiệp trung học cơ sở a VMBO-T diploma
Bằng trung học chuyên nghiệp an MBO diploma level 2 or 3
Bang tot nghiep trung cap chuyen nghiep an MBO diploma level 3 or 4
Bằng tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông from a regular high school a HAVO diploma
Bằng tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông from a high school for the gifted at least a HAVO diploma
Bằng tốt nghiệp cao đẳng (Degree of Associate) 3 years of HBO
Bằng tốt nghiệp đại học (University Graduation Certificate) that mentions the obtained bachelor's degree an HBO bachelor's degree or a WO bachelor's degree
Bằng cử nhân (Degree of Bachelor) an HBO bachelor's degree or a WO bachelor's degree
Bằng kỹ sư (Degree of Bachelor of Engineering) an HBO bachelor's degree or a WO bachelor's degree
Bằng thạc sĩ (Degree of Master) a WO master's degree
  • You can find information about the Dutch diplomas on our web pages about the education system in the Netherlands.
  • You can find more information about how we compare diplomas via Credential evaluation.
  • SBB evaluates foreign diplomas and training at VMBO and MBO level. The evaluation may vary if the SBB evaluates the diploma for admission to VET schools or for work in the Netherlands.