Political situation

In February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine and the consequences are still uncertain. The political situation of the country may have consequences for education.

Diploma NQF Comparable to
Svidotsvo pro zdobuttia bazovoi serednio osviti - Cвідоцтво про здобуття базової середньої освіти (Certificate of basic secondary education)
(as of 2019)
2 3 years of general lower secondary education
Svidotstvo pro bazovu zahalnu seredniu osvitu - Свидоцтво про базову загальну середню освiту (Certificate of basic general secondary education)
(up to and including 2018)
2 3 years of general lower secondary education
Svidotstvo pro zdobuttia povnoi zahalnoi serednioi osviti - Свідоцтво про здобуття повної загальної середньої освіти (Certificate of complete general secondary education)
(as of 2019)
3 at least a HAVO diploma
Atestat pro povnu zahalnu seredniu osvitu - Атестат про повну загалну середню освiту (Certificate of complete general secondary education)
(up to and including 2018)
3 at least a HAVO diploma
Dyplom molodsjoho bakalavra - Диплом молодшого бакалавра
(Junior bachelor diploma)
5 an associate degree or 2 years HBO
Dyplom molodsjoho spetsialista - Диплом молодшого спеціаліста
(Junior specialist diploma)
- usually an associate degree or 2 years HBO
Dyplom bakalavra - Диплом бакалавра (Bachelor diploma) 6 an HBO or a WO bachelor's degree
Dyplom spetsialista - Диплом спеціаліста (Specialist diploma)
( : 5 years)
- a WO bachelor's degree or an HBO master's degree
Dyplom mahistra - Диплом магiстра
(Master diploma)
7 a WO or an HBO master's degree
  • You can find information about the Dutch diplomas on our web pages about the education system in the Netherlands.
  • You can find more information about how we compare diplomas via Credential evaluation.
  • The SBB evaluates foreign diplomas and training at VMBO and MBO level. The evaluation may vary if the SBB evaluates the diploma for admission to VET schools or for work in the Netherlands.