Primary and secondary education in Turkey

Primary education (ilköğretim) takes 8 years to complete and is for pupils aged 5½-14. Pupils follow their education at a primary school (ilkögretim okulu). After primary education, students can choose one of the following types of secondary education:

There are separate schools for each type of secondary education.

Lise Diploması

Students conclude general secondary education with exams for a Lise Diploması.

  • : 4 years.
  • Content: there are 6 subject clusters:
    • fen bilimleri (natural sciences);
    • yabancı dil (foreign language);
    • sanat (art);
    • sosyal bilimler (social sciences);
    • spor (physical education); and
    • Türkçe-matematik (Turkish-mathematics).
      It is also possible not to choose a subject cluster. In that case, alanı/dalı states: alan(ı) yok on the diploma.
  • Function of the diploma: grants the right to take university entrance exams.
  • Diploma: Lise Diploması.

We compare a Lise Diploması to at least a diploma.

Please note: 'at least a HAVO diploma' means that the diploma has a higher level than a HAVO diploma, but a lower level than a diploma. The level of the diploma lies between a HAVO diploma and a VWO diploma.

Teknik Lisesi Diploması

Students conclude technical secondary education with exams for a Teknik Lisesi Diploması.

  • Duration: 4 years.
  • Content: general education subjects, with an extra focus on sciences. In addition, students develop skills for a specific profession.
  • Function of the diploma: this diploma grants admission to university entrance exams for all specialisations.
  • Diploma: Teknik Lisesi Diploması.

We compare a Teknik Lisesi Diploması to a HAVO diploma for the general education component.

Meslek Lisesi Diploması

Students conclude vocational secondary education with exams for a Meslek Lisesi Diploması.

  • Duration: 4 years.
  • Content: students receive general education in Year 1 and choose a vocational specialisation from Year 2. This specialisation is usually mentioned on the diploma in front of the word Meslek.
  • Function of the diploma: this diploma grants admission to university entrance exams following a compulsory additional year at a teknik lise.
  • Diploma: Meslek Lisesi Diploması.

We compare a Meslek Lisesi Diploması to an diploma at level 2 or 3. This depends on the content of the study programme.