Secondary education study results

National Senior Certificate (NSC) study results are assessed in the following way:

In numbers In percentages Description Meaning
7 80-100% Outstanding achievement Outstanding
6 70-79% Meritorious achievement Very good
5 60-69% Substantial achievement Good
4 50-59% Adequate achievement More than satisfactory
3 40-49% Moderate achievement Satisfactory
2 30-39% Elementary achievement Poor
1 0-29% Not achieved Fail

The National Department of Basic Education's website lists the minimum study results students must have to get an NSC. If they want to continue studying in South African higher education, they must meet extra requirements for subjects and grades. The diploma and transcript will show if the student meets the minimum entry requirements for:

  • Higher Certificate programmes;
  • Higher Certificate and (National) Diploma programmes; or
  • Higher Certificate, (National) Diploma and bachelor's programmes.

The National Department of Basic Education's website gives an overview of the extra requirements for the above mentioned 3 options (under ‘Higher Education Institution requirements and support’). The subject life orientation does not count here.

Please note: it is also possible that students' study results do not meet the minimum admission requirements for Higher Certificate, (National) Diploma or bachelor's programmes. In that case, the diploma bears the term ‘Endorsement None’. They then have no access to higher education in South Africa with their diploma.

Secondary education documents

If they complete general upper secondary education, they get:

  • a National Senior Certificate (NSC), issued by the Umalusi; and
  • a transcript (Statement of Results).

Please note: the diploma shows the study results, but it doesn't mention if the student took the exams via the school or the IEB. For that, you need the Statement of Results. This is important to check, because the level of an NSC is slightly higher if the student took the exams via the IEB. See: National Senior Certificate (NSC).

Higher education study results

South African higher education institutions assess study results by using percentages ranging from 0 to 100. Also, they classify bachelor’s degrees and honours bachelor's degrees in the following way:

In percentages Classification Meaning
75-100% First class Outstanding
70-74% Second class upper division More than satisfactory – good
60-69% Second class lower division Satisfactory – more than satisfactory
50-59% Third class Poor
Lager dan 50% Fail Fail

Higher education documents

For higher education, students must submit all obtained diplomas with transcript and/or list of marks.