Grades and study results
Secondary education study results
Secondary schools use the following grades to assess study results:
Grade | Description | Meaning |
19 - 20 | Sobresaliente | Excellent |
17 - 18 | Muy bueno | Very good |
14 - 16 | Bueno | Good |
11 - 13 | Suficiente | Pass |
0 - 10 | Desaprabado | Fail |
The schools also assess the attitude of students (comportamiento): on the transcript, you can see 1 or 2 letters after ‘Comportamiento’ per year. See the table below for the meaning of these letters.
Letters | Description | Meaning |
AD | Muy bueno | Very good |
A | Bueno | Good |
B | Regular | Average |
C | Deficiente | Unsatisfactory |
Secondary education documents
When students complete their secondary education, they receive a Certificado oficial de estudios – educación básica regular, nivel de educación secundaria. The transcript is often listed on the diploma. So students often do not get a separate transcript. Since 2020, some schools have also been issuing diplomas digitally.
Checking digital diplomas online
You can check digital diplomas online in the following way:
- Open the database of the Peruvian Ministry of Education.
- Enter 2 codes of 8 figures each:
- Under ‘Código virtual’, enter the code that the student received from the schools. You can find this code on the transcript.
- Under ‘N.° de DNI/Código de estudiante’, enter the code that is listed on the transcript after ‘DNI’ or ‘Documento Nacional de Identidad’. This code is also mentioned on the student’s ID.
- Then confirm that you are not a robot and click on ‘Verificar’.
- Does the student’s document appear and does it match the digital diploma? Then you can assume that the diploma is OK.
- Are you not getting any search results? Then the diploma is possibly not OK. If in doubt, please contact us for a credential evaluation.
Higher education study results
Higher education institutions use the following system to assess study results:
Grade | Description | Meaning |
19-20 | Sobresaliente | Excellent |
17-19 | Muy bueno | Very good |
14-16 | Bueno | Good |
11-13 | Suficiente | Pass |
0-10 | Desaprabado | Fail |
Higher education documents
When students complete a higher education programme, they receive a diploma and a transcript.
The SUNEDU website contains a register of diplomas and professional titles: the registro nacional de grados y títulos. In this SUNEDU register you can check if a student has obtained a diploma. To do so:
- Open the SUNEDU register.
- Click on ‘Verifica si estás inscrito en el registro nacional de grados y títulos’ and enter the following details:
- Under ‘Número de Documento de Identidad’, enter the student’s identity number. This is usually mentioned on the diploma or transcript, or on the student’s ID.
- Under ‘Apellidos y Nombres’, enter the student’s surname and first name(s).
- Below that, enter the code that you see on your screen.
- Click on ‘Buscar’.
- Is the student included in the register with the diploma? Then you know that the diploma is OK.
- Is the student not listed in the register? Then try to look up the student in the register of the Peruvian Ministry of Education. The search procedure is the same as with the SUNEDU register.
- Is the student included in this register? Then the diploma is OK.
- If the student is not included in this register either, please contact us for a credential evaluation.