Primary and secondary education
Primary and secondary education in Greece
In Greece, students conclude primary and lower and upper secondary education with diplomas:
- At the end of primary education, they take exams for an Apolytirio Dimotikou.
- They conclude lower secondary education with exams for an Apolytirio Gymnasiou.
- At the upper secondary education, they take exams for an Apolytirio Genikou Lykeiou.
Please note: there are also Apolytirios in Greek secondary vocational education: the Apolytirio Epangelmatikou Lykeiou and the Apolytirio Epangelmatikou Sgoli.
Apolytirio Dimotikou
The Apolytirio Dimotikou is the diploma of primary education. Primary education is for pupils aged 6 to 12.
- : 6 years.
- Content: primary education.
- Diploma: Apolytirio Dimotikou / Απολυτήριο Δημοτικού. This is often translated as ‘Primary School Certificate’.
The official length of the full-time programme (not part-time) without study delay.
Apolytirio Gymnasiou
The Apolytirio Gymnasiou is the diploma of lower secondary education. Students go to a gymnasium. Lower secondary education is for pupils aged 12 to 15. After that, compulsory education ends.
- Duration: 3 years.
- Content: general education subjects.
- Admission requirements: an Apolytirio Dimotikou.
- Function of the diploma: access to upper secondary education (Apolytirio Genikou Lykeiou) or secondary vocational education.
- Diploma: Apolytirio Gymnasiou / Απολυτήριο Γυμνασίου. This is often translated as ‘Lower Secondary School Certificate’.
Apolytirio Genikou Lykeiou
The Apolytirio Genikou Lykeiou is the diploma of upper secondary education. Students go to a general lyceum.
- Duration: 3 years.
- Content: general education subjects. All students take exams in subjects like English, Greek language and religion. They also take exams in 3 or 4 subjects of a specialisation they chose in the final year:
- the business administration and information technology specialisation (Σπουδών Οικονοµίας και Πληροφορικής) with subjects like computer science (Πληροφορική), economics (Οικονομία) and mathematics (Μαθηματικά);
- the humanities specialisation (Ανθρωπιστικών Σπουδών) with subjects like ancient Greek (Αρχαία Ελληνικά), history (Ιστορία) and Latin (Λατινικά);
- the natural sciences and health specialisation (Σπουδών Υγείας) with subjects like biology (Βιολογία), chemistry (Χημεία) and physics (Φυσική).
- Admission requirements: an Apolytirio Gymnasiou.
- Function of the diploma: access to the entrance exams of higher education. Access to secondary vocational education is also possible, sometimes with exemptions.
- Diploma: Apolytirio Genikou Lykeiou / Απολυτήριο Γενικού Λυκείου. This is often translated as ‘Apolytirio of General Lyceum’ or ’Apolytirio of Geniko Lykeio’.
We compare an Apolytirio Genikou Lykeiou / Απολυτήριο Γενικού Λυκείου with a grade average below 10 to a diploma.
Senior general secondary education (hoger algemeen voortgezet onderwijs, HAVO). A HAVO diploma is awarded upon successful completion of a 5-year programme of general secondary education.
We compare an Apolytirio Genikou Lykeiou / Απολυτήριο Γενικού Λυκείου with a grade average of 10 or higher to a diploma.
Pre-university education (voorbereidend wetenschappelijk onderwijs, VWO). A VWO diploma is awarded upon successful completion of a 6-year programme of pre-university education. VWO is the highest level of general secondary education available in the Netherlands.