OKP individual scholarships - information on Round 1
Short description
- Funder: the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Countries: open for applicants from 30 countries (269.89 kB)
(including LPDP Joint programme for Indonesia) - Duration: application and selection planned between 8 February and 22 June 2023
- Types of courses: Short Course programmes and 1-year Master’s programmes (Master’s programmes that are longer than one academic year can only participate if they are co-financed).
- Courses take place: between 24 July 2023 and 31 January 2024
- Total budget: € 18,000,000
- Official announcement and description: Government Gazette 7 February 2023 (138.77 kB)
- Rules and conditions: Grant Obligations and Conditions v 9.0
For more information on the Orange Knowledge Programme individual scholarships in general, please check:
Budget explanation
The budget explanation below is based on the official publication in the Government Gazette 7 February 2023 (also available in English (138.77 kB)) .
For Round 1 of Orange Knowledge scholarships, a budget of € 18,000,000 is available, of which:
Short course Round 1 2023 (Q1) - budget of € 4,000,000 of which;
- € 3,000,000 will be available for Category A countries as indicated in the OKP Country List: Bangladesh, Benin, Burundi, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunesia, Uganda, Vietnam.
- € 1,000,000 will be specifically available for Category B countries as indicated in the OKP Country List: Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lebanon, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Yemen.
Master courses Round 1 2023 (Q1) - budget of € 14,000,000 of which:
- € 525,000 is available for the applicants from Indonesia under the OKP-LPDP Joint Scholarship Programme
- € 10,106,250 will be available for Category A countries as indicated in the OKP Country List: Bangladesh, Benin, Burundi, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunesia, Uganda, Vietnam.
- € 3,368,750 will be specifically available for Category B countries as indicated in the OKP Country List: Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lebanon, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Yemen.
These budgets will be allocated provided we receive enough qualified and eligible applications.
For your information please find the timeline of Round 1 below:
- Course details check in Delta (institutions): 7 February 16.00 CET
- Applications (students): 8 February - 30 March 16.00 CET
- Nomination of applicants (institutions): 13 April 16.00 CEST
- Eligibility check & assessment (embassies): 14 April - 25 May 16.00 CEST
- Grant letters: 13 June 2023 (delayed from 8 June 2023)
Master’s programmes and short courses must start between 24 July 2023 and 31 January 2024. Due to the end date of the Orange Knowledge Programme, 31 August 2024 is to be adhered to as the end date for implementation of courses, except for co-financed Master’s programmes.
Round 2 of Scholarships
This year OKP will have two rounds for masters and short courses. Round 2 will open in June 2023. More details about the timeline will become available in the coming weeks. The courses for Round 2 should finish on 31 August 2024. For Round 2 the principle applies that Master courses that are longer than one academic year can only participate if they are co-financed.
Co-financing OKP 2-year Master’s Scholarships
You can participate in Round 1 of 2023 with a Master’s degree programme that takes longer than 1 academic year. We allow participation under the condition of joint financing. In such cases, the Orange Knowledge Programme finances the first academic year, and the remainder of the study is guaranteed through a declaration of co-finance. At the end of the grant period, you will only report on the first academic year.
Participation with the applicable Master’s degree programmes is only possible if we receive a signed declaration of co-finance. This can be done by submitting the declaration by email to okp@nuffic.nl until 13 April 2023 16.00 CET at the latest. Declaration for Master’s degree programmes received after this date cannot participate in Round 1.
Good to know:
- Last year two questions were added to the registration form, asking students whether they are (a) a co-finance candidate or (b) a full scholarship candidate. We kindly ask you to proactively advise your students which one of the two applies to them. To clarify, co-financing is only applicable for Master’s degree programmes that are longer than 1 academic year.
- During the nomination phase, we ask you to carefully check whether candidates have correctly indicated whether they are a co-finance candidate or full scholarship candidate as this influences the scholarship calculation.
- If you are participating with a co-financed scholarship, you must submit a declaration of co-finance before the nomination deadline on 13 April 2023 16.00 CET to okp@nuffic.nl.
- For co-financed scholarships, institutions will only report on the first academic year. Scholarship holders will receive an adjusted status instead of ‘graduated’.
- The reminder procedure has been adjusted to a short time frame of 4 weeks (previously 8 weeks) to accommodate more Master’s programmes for this round. Regardless of the end date of your studies, final reports must be submitted by 31 October 2024.
- For questions regarding the above-mentioned adjustments to the process, please contact okp@nuffic.nl.
LPDP Joint scholarship programme for Indonesia
The Orange Knowledge Programme is cooperating with Indonesian scholarship provider Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP) to provide Master’s Scholarships for Indonesian professionals. This new scholarship programme is building on the scholarship programme of LPDP and StuNed launched in 2021.
The joint scholarship programme will combine the strategic focus of the Orange Knowledge Programme with that of LPDP. The joint programme will target:
- mid-career professionals under 35 years old
- One year Master's degree programmes focusing on Food and Nutrition Security, Water management including climate and energy, Security and rule of law, Entrepreneurship, Sustainable and circular economy, Public Health and Fisheries, maritime and logistics.
Please note that the Grant obligations and conditions thatwill apply to the new joint scholarship, as well as the timeline, will be announced soon. The full procedure in detail can be found on StudyinNL.org.
For more information, please contact: osidharta@nuffic.nl
Inflation correction
Please note that for Round 1 2023, the Grant Obligations and Conditions version 9.0 apply.
In this latest version of the Grant Obligations and Conditions reimbursements for visa, study materials, insurance and (if applicable) additional housing have been raised to correspond with increasing inflation. The reimbursements for travel and allowance were already corrected for inflation at the end of 2023.
Besides the Grant Obligations, these are additional documents for this scholarship round:
Obligations for Scholarship holders (version 9)
Reminder procedure (98.72 kB)
Declaration of Co-financing (124.10 kB)
Francophone countries
Last year we created a video series on the scholarship application procedure in French. With these videos, we aim to stimulate the participation of candidates from Francophone countries. We encourage you to spread these videos among applicants from Francophone countries.
Education institutions with questions on this scholarship round of the Orange Knowledge Programme can contact our scholarship team through our contact page, or through okp@nuffic.nl