COVID-19 – A force for change
This session is part of the Orange Knowledge Partner Days.
COVID-19 has had an enormous impact on our personal and professional lives, the Orange Knowledge Programme included. Lockdowns at a regional, national and global level, severe restrictions on travel, and social distancing have posed enormous challenges for the education sector in general, and for international knowledge cooperation specifically.
Fortunately, our Orange Knowledge partners have managed to come up with a great variety of innovative approaches to continue their capacity development initiatives. Increased digitalisation is the common denominator; its practical implications vary widely.
In this session, we would like to give the floor to several of our partners, to share the solutions they have come up with to adjust their ongoing capacity development ambitions to the new reality. We will put specific emphasis on innovative approaches, unconventional best practices and unexpected successes.
The goal of the session is to stimulate a discussion on how managing COVID-19 within international knowledge cooperation means we can not only continue, but even improve current best practices.
Target audience
- partners, beneficiaries and funders who are – either directly or indirectly - involved in the Orange Knowledge Programme;
- people involved in other capacity development programmes, facing comparable challenges and opportunities.
Session outcome
You will be challenged to think about and discuss not only the challenges, but also the opportunities the current COVID-19 pandemic presents. How can our mitigation strategies be set up in such a way that we don’t just continue, but also improve our efforts?
The online session will include 2 presentations by our partners. They will share their unique take on transforming current challenges into future opportunities and provide insight into their approach. The session will include time for a discussion on questions such as:
- To what extent are these methods transferable to other contexts or projects?
- How can we build on these best practices to create further improvement?
- Which other innovative solutions have been created by participants that could be shared as ‘food for thought’ for all?
- To be confirmed
- 23 November 10.00-11.30 AM CEST
The thematic sessions are at maximum capacity, registration is no longer possible. Please register for our newsletter if you’d like to receive more information on the outcomes of these sessions.