Orange Knowledge Impact Series - Liveblog #3

Week #25
Indonesia: Cyber Security Education in Indonesia
In Indonesia, a strong foundation for cyber security knowledge is important in most industries. Thus, the development of quality and capacity of cyber law and security education in Indonesian higher education significant. Before the start of the #OrangeKnowledge Programme ‘CYBER’ project, classes were often taught with less class participation and without reference to real-life problems.
The CYBER project, a collaboration between University of Indonesia and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam), is focused on implementing a practical and innovating teaching approach within cyber security education in Indonesia. With new laboratories, classrooms and teaching methods, students are now guided to think critically and comprehensively to solve potential cyber security issues in real-life situations.
Within this project, cyber security professionals from all around Indonesia were invited to participate in training sessions. The sessions placed attention to not only ways of engaging participation in lectures, but also ways of maintaining gender equality and awareness in classrooms. Moreover, new cyber security course modules that emphasise on practical and participatory teaching approaches were developed by professionals participating in this project.
Throughout the CYBER project, many collaborations and partnerships with other educational institutions, government institutions and other industries were formed. The new cyber security course modules are being implemented in other Indonesian higher education institutes too, particularly in institutes located in smaller cities and islands. This project proves that education is an important engine for growth and that strengthening the capacities of content taught and professionals is an integral part of progress.
Before OKP | Current situation | Upcoming years |
Cybersecurity rarely included in Indonesian higher education curriculum; lecturers use passive non-interactional teaching methods |
Training of cyber security professionals on participatory teaching, new labs, and equipment provided for practical learning, and new cyber security courses developed |
Cyber security courses taught in other higher education institutions, sustainable collaborations between cyber security stakeholders in various industries is maintained |
Sustainable development goals: SDG4, SDG5, SDG16 and SDG17.
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Week #22
Ethopia: Aiming to provide women with support and knowledge
In Ethiopia, more women are taking the role of entrepreneurs alongside being mothers, wives or sisters. Women are starting businesses in various sectors, such as textile, leather and agriculture. However, they rarely have access to information or learning programmes that guide them along their business expansion process. These women-led businesses aim to export their products to other countries, one of them being the Netherlands.
Nigest Haile is a Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP) scholarship alumni and is also the founder and executive director of Center for Accelerated Women's Economic Empowerment. Her organisation focuses on providing knowledge for women entrepreneurs about exporting their products. In 2021, Nigest won Nuffic’s Horn of Africa Alumni Challenge, where she proposed ideas of providing workshops about marketable skills for marginalised Ethiopian women who hope to return from the United Arab Emirates. Her passion to create economic opportunities for women persists throughout the years.
As a collaboration between CAWEE and Resilience BV., Nigest is coordinating the ‘Enhancing business support services for female-led agribusinesses in Ethiopia’ Tailor-Made Training (TMT). Nigest also conducts training sessions and builds partnerships with stakeholders in various countries to create opportunities for women-led businesses to export their products. She believes that despite the limited time and multiple roles that women have, it is important for her to advocate for women entrepreneurs. The TMT is created in a way that ensures flexible time and location management, so that women can adapt their schedules with the training sessions.
Through this TMT, women entrepreneurs now have a strong business foundation and are ready to export their products. Women are supported to generate employment opportunities for themselves and are empowered to become more than just their roles as mothers, wives and sisters. Nigest’s journey shows us that by joining forces with one another, many great improvements can be achieved.
Before OKP | Current situation | Upcoming years |
Women entrepreneurs in Ethiopia aimed to export products internationally but needed more knowledge about the foreign market |
Building partnerships with foreign markets and equipping women entrepreneurs with applicable business knowledge |
Women-led businesses are export ready and starts selling their products to countries in Africa and outside the continent |
Sustainable development goals: SDG4, SDG5, SDG8 and SDG17.
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Week #21
Uganda: Bringing SRHR to life and breaking the menstruation taboo
In Uganda, many efforts are being made to spread awareness about menstrual health management (MHM). People often struggle to afford sanitary products and have trouble understanding about the correct ways of handling menstruation hygienically.. To close this information gap and break the menstrual taboo, training on MHM by master trainers is delivered in various communities, targeting not only girls and women, but also men.
Faith Mairah is a trainer who received training in the Tailor-Made Training+ (TMT+) ‘Bringing Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights to life in Menstrual Health Management Trainings in Uganda’. She teaches women and girls in various communities, such as schools and local municipalities. During the training, she reviewed manuals, course modules and policies surrounding MHM issues to see which aspects of them can be improved. Mairah is also developing MHM-related course modules and teaching toolkits for trainers to utilise, which will be submitted to the Ugandan Ministry of Education and Sports and applied to MHM education once approved.
Through the TMT+, Mairah saw the importance of incorporating water, sanitation & hygiene (WASH) and sexual & reproductive health rights (SRHR) into her MHM modules. She also learned new teaching methods that focus on delivering the right context to the right audience. Now, she is confident that her training will play a role in opening up more conversations about MHM in Uganda, along with more male involvement.
Impact makers like Mairah help create a safe environment for women and girls in their communities to talk about MHM. By starting with small steps and cooperation, long-lasting influential changes are already being made in Uganda.
This TMT+ is a collaboration between WASH Alliance Uganda, the Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Alliance Uganda, Simavi and SHE Collaborates - Maastricht University.
Before OKP | Current situation | Upcoming years |
Women & girls miss out on employment or education opportunities because they often do not have access to sanitary products |
New menstruation hygiene teaching modules are implemented, targeting both men and women. |
Menstrual health policies are simplified and issues are supported by the government, mindset change about menstruation among men |
Sustainable development goals: SDG1, SDG3, SDG4 and SDG5.
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Week #20
Jordan: Aerial research, aerial à capitalise
The sky is the limit!
To highlight the successful end of our MENA Regional Alumni Party event last week, our #OrangeKnowledgeImpactSeries today will feature a Tailor-Made Training (TMT) in Jordan. This TMT focuses on aerial research and is a series of training sessions between the University of Jordan and Universiteit Twente (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) of the University of Twente). The initiative encourages the broader usage of remote sensing applications, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and satellite imagery.
Participants of the training have various backgrounds. Muhammad Shukri Al-Karmi and Ayman Alawaisi work at the Jordanian Ministry of Agriculture. Together, they analyse practical ways in which challenges to agricultural and forestry lands can be minimised and solved with the help of UAVs and satellite images. With the latest tools, they prioritise the protection, production and sustainable management of forest and agricultural areas in order to positively effect sustainable food production and water management in Jordan.
With modern technology, the 23 participants of the first training sessions, learned new ways of efficient data gathering, analysis and processing, all leading to manage areas in a more sustainable manner. With participants in important professional positions, like Muhammed and Aymand, knowledge will continue to spread further. By reaching high up the sky, this TMT is definitely contributing to a sustainable development of Jordan.
Before OKP | Current situation | Upcoming years |
Agricultural areas in jordan not maximally sustainably managed, leading to lower crop production |
Trainings of participants and sustainable agriculture and forestry management, efficient data collection and modern drone technologies |
Agricultural areas are managed sustainably, water use is efficiently enhanced, renewable food production system established |
Sustainable development goals: SDG3, SDG4, SDG6, SDG9 and SDG13.
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Week #18
Benin: Building Capacity of Education Institutions in SRHR
In Benin, the level of education and inclusive engagement regarding sexual & reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for youths and young adults is on its way towards improvement. But, many still receive inadequate SRHR services, information and opportunities to voice their concerns. As a result, early pregnancy, maternal illness or mortality and sexual & gender-based violence are common challenges Beninese youth face.
The ‘Building Capacity of Education Institutions in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) for Youth Inclusion in Benin’ project aims to strengthen the capacities of higher education institutions. Through training sessions, lecturers and SRHR professionals like Justin DANSOU are supplied with new knowledge and teaching skills to provide youth inclusive SRHR education. The SRHR curricula of the project’s higher education partners are also reviewed, with the improved version being implemented in their SRHR-related courses.
Justin, along with other professionals from this project, is currently conducting a collaborative research project with the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) of Erasmus University Rotterdam. Together they are exploring how youth voices and advocacy in Benin’s higher education can be strengthened through policies. Additionally, he is one of the lecturers selected by the project to write policy briefs for other studies, which will be discussed about with various SRHR stakeholders and policy makers of Benin for possible future implementation.
Through this project, Justin’s teaching and research capacity is now strengthened, along with expansion in his professional network. He is confident that youth’s voice and participation in SRHR will be amplified in the near future. This project asserts the importance of finding ways for providing access to education. Individuals like Justin, who are working towards developing their personal growth, are also playing important roles in the development of their society.
Before OKP | Current situation | Upcoming years |
Beninese youth had limited access to SRHR information and were not used to expressing their concerns |
Reviewing SRHR curricula & integrating youth-focused SRHR training in higher education; strengthening teaching capacities and conducting SRHR research |
Improved and inclusive SRHR curricula implemented, reducing SRHR knowledge gap in Beninese youths |
Sustainable development goals: SDG3, SDG4, SDG5 and SDG17.
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Week #17
Suriname: Mediation on the Move, a new way of resolving conflict
Conflicts are difficult to resolve, especially in close-knit communities such as Suriname. The judicial system is currently the most popular approach for conflict resolution, often followed with social disapproval. An alternative resolution method is needed: one that is efficient and focused on maintaining relationships. Mediation is a suitable substitute, but with the lack of information that people have about it, there are difficulties in trying to get people interested to choose mediation in conflict situations.
Maisah Burleson is a labour lawyer, HRM specialist and mediator who was recently appointed as the new chairperson of the Foundation Mediation Professionals Suriname. She is a trainer in the refresher course ‘Mediation on the Move in Suriname’, which is a follow-up to the Tailor-Made Training (TMT) ‘All Eyes on Mediation in Suriname’ that was conducted in Suriname.
In this refresher course, participants are trained to mediate various target groups and are also finding different ways to promote mediation to the public. Maisah played a role in selecting the training participants of this course. She ensured that the training sessions included participants with diverse professional and ethnic backgrounds. Additionally, 90% of the trained mediators are female, meaning that women will take the lead in facilitating conflict transformation through mediation.
Within 5 years, Maisah is assured that mediation will be shifted to become Suriname’s main conflict resolution method. She believes that through mediation, relationships will no longer be tense and divided. Only when there is a cohesive society can there be a productive society. Through the spreading knowledge, information and skills, mediation will be the new method for conflict resolution.
The ‘Mediation on the Move in Suriname’ refresher course and ‘All Eyes on Mediation in Suriname’ TMT programme is a collaboration between the Mediation Group Suriname, Professional Support NV, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam) and the Centre for Conflict Management (CVC).
Before OKP | Current situation | Upcoming years |
Preference to the judiciary system to handle conflict, jeopardising relationships and causing negative social effects |
Surinamese law professionals trained to promote and provide quality mediation. Integration of mediation in university law curricula |
Mediation recognised to be a form of conflict resolution in Suriname, community relationships improved |
Sustainable development goals: SDG3, SDG4, SDG10 and SDG16.
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Week #16
Bangladesh: We Care
Discussing and providing services about sexual and reproductive health may be difficult at times, or even taboo, especially when knowledge and skills are in need of improvement. In Bangladesh, there is a need to improve the capacities of health workers so that they can provide inclusive services with up-to-date information about sexual & reproductive health rights (SRHR). To be able to achieve this, the We Care project in Bangladesh is determined to strengthen the skills, attitudes and motivation of health workers, supervisors and SRHR trainers.
Indrani and Rokon2000 rokon uddin are both Deputy Programme Managers for the Directorate General Family Planning (DGFP) in Bangladesh and play significant roles in the We Care project. By participating in training sessions organized by KIT Royal Tropical Institute, Indrani and Rokon were able to learn from the interactive and feedback-based teaching methods used, motivating them to apply their newly gained knowledge in Bangladesh.
They both agree that interactive trainings and an improved supervisory system will allow health workers to apply what they have learned into practice. On top of that, they both now find it essential to expand their pool of female trainers at the We Care project and implement interactivity into their training sessions. Impact makers like Indrani and Rokon exemplify the importance of education to drive growth. Through their passions, they are driving towards a significant change for sexual and reproductive health in Bangladesh.
The We Care project is a collaboration between NIPORT, the Directorate General Family Planning (DGFP), KIT Royal Tropical Institute, Red Orange, Rutgers, expertisecentrum seksualiteit and Niketan .
Before OKP | Current situation | Upcoming years |
Hesitancy to discuss SRHR-related issues, lack of female trainers and commination of passive learning in Bangladesh |
Health institutes are implementing more inclusive and respectful curricula in their SRHR training session siding improved teaching methods |
Better access to SRHR information, health services and facilities, especially for vulnerable groups in Bangladesh |
Sustainable development goals: SDG3, SDG4, SDG5 and SDG17.

Week #15
Egypt: TMT agriculture advisors and teachers on future-proof horticulture
“In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn”.
It is never the right time to stop learning and this is demonstrated on our #OrangeKnowledge Impact series this week. We are sharing a story about the training of extension officers- who advise farmers on the production, processing and distribution of farm products- and teaching staff of the Faculty of Agriculture of Ain Shams University in Egypt, where they not only learned the different ways of maximising crop production and the modern ways of crop cultivation, but also the different ways of transferring their knowledge to others. The training sessions were a collaborative partnership between Ain Shams University, Delphy (Delphy International), The Salt Doctors, iCRA and the Agriculture Research Centre of Egypt (ARC).
Mayada Abd El-Naby Ali was one of the participants of the training sessions. The attractive training modules, especially the ones about adapting to and mitigating soil salinity, inspired her to participate in the training sessions. Mayada found that the step-by-step practical activities helped her to understand the training materials in real-life situations. Being part of the training sessions also supported Mayada to gain confidence in her expertise, such as in sharing her knowledge to Egypt’s future generation of farmers and in developing teaching courses.
She is currently focused on transferring her knowledge with others and is inspiring them to be passionate towards agriculture. In the future, Mayada hopes to build her own agri-business. She is optimistic that Egypt is currently heading towards a more sustainable agriculture and that agriculture technology in Egypt will continuously advance. Impact makers like Mayada illustrate the need for everyone, including teachers, to continuously learn new things. Without education, there will be no growth and development.
Before OKP | Current situation | Upcoming years |
Unoptimised crop production and quality in Egypt due to lack of knowledge and experience with best practices, and salinisation |
Teachers and agricultural engineers trained on crop management in both open and protection field, and in knowledge transfer |
Moving towards future-proof horticulture due to the implementation of best practices |
Sustainable development goals: SDG2, SDG4, SDG13.
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Week #14
Cambodia: Establishing food safety control system in aquaculture
Support for establishing food safety control system in fishery sector.
Approximately 20% of the Cambodian population is relying on fishery for a living. As the country’s main sources of income and employment, Cambodia’s aquaculture and fishery sectors are of huge importance.
Despite this prominence, the sectors are confronted with production, marketing and export-related challenges. These challenges negatively affect both the product value and profitability of products. Moreover, there is a lack of modern technologies and various food safety-related issues.
To help the country work towards a more sustainable and productive fishery industry, Ra Thorng from Cambodia is sharing his expertise in food safety to implement food safety projects supporting the local food producers. Ra is an #OrangeKnowledge Programme alumnus who followed three courses at Wageningen University & Research.
Ra is a great example of the strength of alumni in spreading knowledge. Being so enthusiastic about his experiences, he shares his knowledge in all sorts of places! He is conducting training sessions, developing projects, doing consultations, and revising regulations and certification processes to improve safe food practices in Cambodia. Ra truly proves that allowing one young expert the chance for strengthening expertise, can lead to strengthening expertise of whole communities or whole sectors. Ra’s journey doesn’t stop here. He believes that education allows one to help their communities, this is why he is passionate to stay active as an inspiring example for others to follow. Ra is continuously working with universities, government agencies and non-government organisations to achieve and promote food safety.
Before OKP | Current situation | Upcoming years |
Cambodian fishery industry in need of modern technology and skills to meet food safety standards | Adopting better fishing practises and processing. Food safety control system developed by devising certification schemes, regulations and guidelines. | 100 local fishery businesses certified. Their capacities will align market requirements and can start exporting to international markets. |
Sustainable development goals: SDG4, SDG9, SDG14.
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