Nuffic welcomes minister’s plans on international students

Nuffic is pleased that Minister Dijkgraaf repeatedly emphasises the importance and added value of internationalisation for students, universities, the economy and society. At the same time, Nuffic acknowledges the importance of achieving the right balance when it comes to internationalisation.
For instance, the announced measures can be employed in a targeted way in cases where the inflow of international students hinders the accessibility of education for Dutch students.
More control
With these new measures, the minister is addressing calls from higher education institutions to be given more control over the flow of international students, as well as the need for tailor-made solutions. After all, not all institutions and regions experience internationalisation-related issues to the same extent. Optimise the added value of internationalisation and intervene where major problems arise, seems to be the minister's formula.
Titia Bredée, managing director of Nuffic: "Nuffic welcomes this well-balanced letter, in which the minister emphasises the added value of internationalisation and announces a targeted approach to bottlenecks."
Nuffic's role
As mentioned in the letter, Nuffic is working on an action plan to remove obstacles to outbound mobility, with the goal of achieving more balanced student mobility. Nuffic also continues to research relevant topics such as student mobility and stayrates, and to inform policy development and debate with its facts and figures. Furthermore, Nuffic plays an active role in the implementation of the National Student Housing Action Plan 2022-2030.
Nuffic continues to work for positive and sustainable internationalisation across the whole higher education sector.