Vocational education
Levels in vocational education
Vocational education, or technical vocational education (profesiyna of profesiyno-tekhnichna osvita - професійнa (професійно-технічнa) освітa), has 3 different levels in Ukraine:
- 1st level: a study programme of 1 year.
- 2nd level: a study programme of 1½ to 4 years, this depends on previous education.
- 3rd level: a study programme of 2 years after secondary education.
Content of the study programmes
Some programmes combine vocational education with general education. If students spend enough time on general secondary education, they can also take the general secondary education exam.
Professional junior bachelor
Next to technical vocational education, there is a professional junior bachelor's programme (fakhovi molodshi bakalavr - фаховий молодший бакалавр).
The duration of a professional junior bachelor's programme is:
- 4 years after 9 years of primary education; or
- 2 to 3 years after completion of general education.
Want to know more?
Do you have questions about vocational education in Ukraine? Please contact SBB. SBB compares foreign secondary vocational education qualifications for people looking for work.
The ENIC Ukraine website also gives more information about secondary vocational education in Ukraine.