Diploma NFQ EQF Comparable to NLQF EQF
Junior Certificate 3 2 a VMBO-T diploma 2 2
Leaving Certificate - Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) programme 4 3 an MBO diploma level 2 or 3 2 or 3 2 or 3

Leaving Certificate - Leaving Certificate Established (LCE) programme:

  • at least 5 subjects of the LCE programme;
  • including 5 subjects with at least O6 or H7; and
  • at least 200 CAO points.
5 4 a HAVO diploma 4 4

Leaving Certificate - Leaving Certificate Established (LCE) programme:

  • at least 6 subjects of the LCE programme;
  • including at least 2 subjects with H5 or higher;
  • 4 subjects with at least O6 or H7; and
  • at least 350 CAO points.
5 4 a VWO diploma 4+ 4

Leaving Certificate - Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP):

  • at least 5 subjects and the Link Modules;
  • including 5 subjects with at least O6 or H7; and
  • at least 200 CAO points.
5 4 a HAVO diploma 4 4

Leaving Certificate - Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP):

  • at least 6 subjects and the Link Modules;
  • including at least 2 subjects with H5 or higher;
  • 4 subjects with at least O6 or H7; and
  • at least 350 CAO points.
5 4 a VWO diploma 4+ 4
Level 5 Certificate 5 4 an MBO diploma level 4 4 4
Level 6 Advanced Certificate 6 4 1 year of HBO - -
Higher Certificate 6 5 2 years of HBO or 1 year of WO - -
Ordinary bachelor’s degree 7 6 3 years of HBO or 2 years of WO - -
Honours bachelor’s degree 8 6 an HBO bachelor's degree or a WO bachelor's degree 6 6
Master’s degree 9 7 an HBO master's degree or a WO master's degree 7 7
Master of Philosophy 9 7 a WO master's degree 7 7
  • You can find information about the Dutch diplomas on our web pages about the education system in the Netherlands.
  • You can find more information about how we compare diplomas via Credential evaluation.
  • SBB evaluates foreign diplomas and training at VMBO and MBO level. The evaluation may vary if the SBB evaluates the diploma for admission to VET schools or for work in the Netherlands.