Grades and study results
Secondary education study results
Subjects are graded between 1 and 20. In secondary education, a grade of 10 or higher is a pass.
Secondary education documents
The following documents allow students to prove that they have completed Iranian secondary education:
- a diploma:
- from 2019: a Certificate of completion of upper secondary school studies / گواهينامه پايان تحصيلات دوره دوم متوسطه;
- before 2019: een Certificate of completion of secondary school studies / گواهينامه پايان تحصيلات دوره متوسطه + een Pre-university certificate /گواهينامه پايان دوره پیش دانشگاهی;
- a list of grades; and
- a sworn translation of both documents.
In Iran, all diplomas and lists of grades have the same layout. These documents are in Persian. The Ministry of Education of Iran is always mentioned on the diploma.
Higher education study results
Subjects are graded between 1 and 20. Some diplomas differ from each other in terms of:
- the borderline between a fail and a pass; and
- the average that students must have in order to pass the degree programme.
We give an overview in the table below.
Diploma | What is a pass? | What average is needed to succeed? |
associate degree | 10 or higher | 12 or higher |
bachelor | 10 or higher | 12 or higher |
master | 12 or higher | 14 or higher |
doctorate (PhD) | 14 or higher | 16 or higher |
Higher education documents
With the following documents, students can prove that they have completed a higher education programme:
- the diploma;
- the list of grades; and
- a sworn translation of both documents.
Students receive the diploma and the list of grades in Persian. The Ministry of Science, Research and Technology is printed on the documents.