IB secondary education

The secondary education provided by the International Baccalaureate (IB) comprises two phases:

Students can pursue their education in English, French or Spanish.

Middle Years Programme Certificate of the International Baccalaureate

Students conclude the lower secondary phase of secondary education (Middle Years Programme, MYP) with exams for an Middle Years Programme Certificate of the International Baccalaureate.

We compare a Middle Years Programme Certificate of the International Baccalaureate to 4 years of VWO.

Students conclude vocational upper secondary education (Career-related Programme, CP) by taking exams for a Career-related Programme Certificate of the International Baccalaureate.

We compare a Career-related Programme Certificate of the International Baccalaureate with at least a HAVO diploma.

Please note: ‘at least a HAVO diploma’ means that these diplomas have a higher level than a HAVO diploma, but a lower level than a VWO diploma.

Diploma of the International Baccalaureate

Students conclude general upper secondary education (Diploma Programme, DP) with exams for a Diploma of the International Baccalaureate.

We compare a Diploma of the International Baccalaureate with a VWO diploma.

Bilingual Diploma of the International Baccalaureate

Students can also complete general upper secondary education (Diploma Programme, DP) with a Bilingual Diploma of the International Baccalaureate (instead of a ‘regular’ Diploma of the International Baccalaureate). They must have achieved certain study results for language subjects; see: Requirements for a Bilingual Diploma of the International Baccalaureate.

We compare a Bilingual Diploma of the International Baccalaureate with a VWO diploma.

DP Course result

When students do not meet the requirements for a Diploma of the International Baccalaureate, they receive a DP Course result. This is not a diploma, but a transcript.

We compare a DP Course result with VWO modular certificates (vwo-deelcertificaten) for the subjects with a pass.