Primary and secondary education in Peru

In Peru, primary education is called: educación primaria. Secondary education is called: educación secundaria. Pupils conclude each of these 2 educational phases with a separate diploma:

Together with pre-primary education (educación inicial), primary and secondary education form the educación básica regular. Education is compulsory for children aged 6 to 17, so starting from primary education.

Certificado oficial de estudios - educación básica regular, nivel de educación primaria

When pupils conclude their primary education, they receive a Certificado oficial de estudios de educación básica, nivel de educación primaria. Primary education is for children aged 6 to 12.

Certificado oficial de estudios - educación básica regular, nivel de educación secundaria

When students conclude their secondary education, they receive a Certificado oficial de estudios – educación básica regular, nivel de educación secundaria. Secondary education is for children aged 12 to 17.

  • Duration: 5 years.
  • Content: students take the following subjects:
    • arte (art);
    • ciencia, tecnología y ambiente (science, technology and environment);
    • comunicación (communication);
    • educación física (physical education);
    • educación para el trabajo (preparation for work);
    • educación religiosa (religion);
    • formación ciudadana y civica (citizenship and civic education);
    • historia, geografía y ecomomía (history, geography and economics);
    • inglés (English);
    • matemática (mathematics);
    • persona, familia y relaciones humanas (persons, family and human relations).
      Please note: the names of subjects may sometimes be different.
  • Admission requirements: a Certificado oficial de estudios de educación básica, nivel de educación primaria.
  • Function of the diploma: access to higher education, for which students usually have to take an entrance exam. Access to secondary vocational education is also possible.
  • Diploma: Certificado oficial de estudios – educación básica regular, nivel de educación secundaria. Sometimes the diploma is called: Certificado de educación secundaria común completa.

We compare a Certificado oficial de estudios – educación básica regular, nivel de educación secundaria to a diploma.

We compare a Certificado de educación secundaria común completa to a HAVO diploma.