Primary and secondary education
Primary and secondary education in Bangladesh
In Bangladesh, there are different types of primary and secondary education:
- general education;
- madrasah, a combination of general and Islamic education;
- technical and vocational education.
On this page, we describe the diplomas that students can get in these different types of education. However, we do not list all the madrasah diplomas, because some of these diplomas are not part of regular education in Bangladesh.
Language of instruction
Students are taught in either English or Bangla. Private schools usually teach in English, government-sponsored schools in Bangla.
Junior School Certificate
This is the diploma of general primary education. Pupils are educated at a school that is affiliated to a Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE). They also take their exams from the BISE. Please note: from 2023 onwards, this diploma is no longer awarded.
- : 8 years (grade I – grade VIII).
- Content: general education subjects, such as:
- Bangla
- English
- mathematics
- science
- Diploma: Junior School Certificate from a BISE.
The official length of the full-time programme (not part-time) without study delay.
Junior Dakhil Certificate
This is the diploma of Islamic primary education. Pupils are educated at a school that is affiliated to the Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board, Dhaka (BMEB). They also take their exams from the BMEB. Please note: from 2023 onwards, this diploma is no longer awared.
- Duration: 8 years (grade I – grade VIII).
- Content: some general education subjects, which are the same as for the Junior School Certificate, and some subjects about Islam.
- Diploma: Junior Dakhil Certificate from the BMEB.
Secondary School Certificate
This is the diploma of general lower secondary education. Students are educated at a school that is affiliated to a BISE. They also take their exams from the BISE.
- Duration: 2 years (grade IX – grade X).
- Content: at least 9 exam subjects. Some subjects are compulsory, such as Bangla, English and mathematics. Students also choose a group (subject cluster) for which they take 3 subjects. They can choose from the following 3 groups:
- business studies: business subjects, such as accountancy, business communication and statistics.
- humanities: subjects like geography and history.
- science: science subjects, such as chemistry and physics.
- Admission requirements: a Junior School Certificate. Other diplomas may also be enough for admission.
- Function of the diploma: access to upper secondary education (Higher Secondary Certificate) and secondary vocational education.
- Diploma: Secondary School Certificate from a BISE.
We compare a Secondary School Certificate to a diploma.
Preparatory vocational secondary education – theoretical programme (voorbereidend middelbaar beroepsonderwijs - theoretische leerweg, VMBO-T). A VMBO-T diploma is awarded upon successful completion of a 4-year programme of vocational secondary education (theoretical programme).
Secondary School Certificate (Vocational)
This is the diploma of vocational lower secondary education. Students are educated at a school that is affiliated to the Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB). They also take their exams from the BTEB.
- Duration: 2 years (grade IX – grade X).
- Content: general education subjects, such as Bangla, chemistry, mathematics and physics. Students also take 2 subjects for a particular profession (Trade 1 and Trade 2), such as tailor (dress making and tailoring) or plumber (plumbing and pipe fitting).
- Admission requirements: a Junior School Certificate or a Junior Dakhil Certificate.
- Function of the diploma: access to secondary vocational education (Higher Secondary Certificate (Vocational)).
- Diploma: Secondary School Certificate (Vocational) from the BTEB.
We compare a Secondary School Certificate (Vocational) to a diploma.
Preparatory vocational secondary education – combined programme (voorbereidend middelbaar beroepsonderwijs - gemengde leerweg, VMBO-GL). A VMBO-GL diploma is awarded upon successful completion of a 4-year programme of vocational secondary education (combined programme).
Dakhil Certificate
This is the diploma of Islamic lower secondary education. Students are educated at a school that is affiliated to the BMEB. They also take their exams from the BMEB.
- Duration: 2 years (grade IX – grade X).
- Content: some general education subjects, which are the same as for the Secondary School Certificate, and some subjects about Islam.
- Admission requirements: a Junior Dakhil Certificate. Other diplomas may also be enough for admission.
- Function of the diploma: access to Islamic upper secondary education (Alim Certificate).
- Diploma: Dakhil Certificate from the BMEB.
We compare a Dakhil Certificate to a VMBO-T diploma.
Please note: students can also get a Dakhil Certificate (Vocational). Please contact the SBB for an evaluation of this diploma.
Higher Secondary Certificate
This is the diploma of general upper secondary education. Students are educated at a school that is affiliated to a BISE. They also take their exams from the BISE.
Please note: for information about the Higher Secondary Certificate (Vocational) or Higher Secondary Certificate (Business Management), go to Secondary vocational education.
- Duration: 2 years (grade XI – grade XII).
- Content: 6 or 7 exam subjects. The subjects Bangla, English and Information & Communication Technology are compulsory. Students also choose a group (subject cluster) for which they take 3 or 4 subjects. They can choose from the following 3 groups:
- business studies: business subjects, such as accountancy, business communication and statistics.
- humanities: subjects like geography and sociology.
- science: science subjects, such as chemistry and physics.
- Admission requirements: a Secondary School Certificate or a Dakhil Certificate.
- Function of the diploma: access to higher education or secondary vocational education.
- Diploma: Higher Secondary Certificate from a BISE.
We compare a Higher Secondary Certificate with the business studies group to a diploma with vocational subjects.
Senior general secondary education (hoger algemeen voortgezet onderwijs, HAVO). A HAVO diploma is awarded upon successful completion of a 5-year programme of general secondary education.
We compare a Higher Secondary Certificate with the humanities group to a HAVO diploma.
We compare a Higher Secondary Certificate with the science group to a HAVO diploma.
Alim Certificate
This is the diploma of Islamic upper secondary education. Students are educated at a school that is affiliated to the BMEB. They also take their exams from the BMEB.
- Duration: 2 years (grade XI – grade XII).
- Content: some general education subjects, which are the same as for the Higher Secondary Certificate, and some subjects about Islam.
- Admission requirements: a Secondary School Certificate.
- Diploma: Alim Certificate from the BMEB.
We compare an Alim Certificate to a HAVO diploma.