Diploma Comparable to NLQF EQF
Diploma Educacion Profesional Basico (EPB) at advancement level (doorstroomniveau) a VMBO diploma middle-management vocational pathway (kaderberoepsgerichte leerweg) 2 2
Diploma Middelbaar Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs a VMBO-T diploma 2 2
Diploma Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs (EPI) at level 4 an MBO diploma level 4 4 4
Associate of Science Degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management an MBO diploma level 4 4 4
Diploma Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs a HAVO diploma 4 4
Diploma Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs a VWO diploma 4+ 4
Diploma Opleiding tot Volledig Bevoegd Leerkracht an HBO bachelor's degree 6 6
Akte van Bekwaamheid van de tweede graad tot het geven van voortgezet onderwijs in Nederlands an HBO bachelor's degree 6 6
Bachelor of Arts in Social Work and Development an HBO bachelor's degree 6 6
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management an HBO bachelor's degree 6 6
Bachelor of Commerce an HBO bachelor's degree 6 6
Bachelor of Economics an HBO bachelor's degree 6 6
Bachelor of Arts in Organization, Governance and Management a WO bachelor's degree 6 6
Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Engineering a WO bachelor's degree 6 6
Bachelor of Laws (LLB) a WO bachelor's degree 6 6
Master of Business Administration (MBA) an HBO master's degree 7 7
Master of Laws (LLM) a WO master's degree 7 7
  • You can find information about the Dutch diplomas on our web pages about the education system in the Netherlands.
  • The NLQF or EQF level is an indication of a person’s knowledge and skills after having completed a certain study programme.
  • You can find more information about how we compare diplomas via Credential evaluation.
  • SBB evaluates foreign diplomas and training at VMBO and MBO level. The evaluation may vary if the SBB evaluates the diploma for admission to VET schools or for work in the Netherlands.