Secondary education study results

There may be differences in how secondary education boards assess study results. In principle, they all follow the Inter Boards Coordination Commission (IBCC) assessment system. The IBCC developed a new assessment system in 2023. All boards will switch to this new system step by step. Some boards will use the new system for diplomas as early as 2024, others a little later. Starting in 2025, all boards should be using the new grading system. Below, we will describe the old and the new grading system.

Grading system for diplomas obtained before 2024

Up to 2023, most boards used the following grading system:

Letter grade Percentages Description
A1 80-100% Exceptional
A 70-79% Excellent
B 60-69% Very good
C 50-59% Good
D 40-49% Very fair
E 33-39% Fair
F 0-32% Fail

They usually calculated the percentages as follows:

  • Each subject was given a score (mark) between 0 and 100. These scores were mentioned on the transcript.
  • They added up the scores of all subjects. This was the total score (total marks obtained).
  • They divided the total score by the highest possible total score (usually 1,100).
  • This resulted in a percentage.
  • They stated this percentage as a letter grade on the diploma and/or transcript.

Grading system for diplomas obtained from 2024 onwards

We will gradually see the first diplomas with the IBCC's new grading system starting in 2024. In the new system, boards still convert student scores into percentages (see "Grading system for diplomas through 2023" above). But there are also important differences from the old system:

  • Students must score at least 40% for a passing grade. That used to be 33%.
  • The grading system now has a 10-point scale. Before, that was a 7-point scale.
  • Absolute scores (between 0 and 100) will no longer appear on the transcript. Instead, e only letter grades and grade points will be mentioned.

This is the new grading system:

Letter grade Percentages Description GPA
A++ 95-100% Exceptional 5.0
A+ 90-94% Outstanding 4.7
A 85-89% Excellent 4.3
B++ 80-84% Very good 4.0
B+ 75-79% Good 3.7
B 70-74% Fairly good 3.3
C 60-69% Above average 3.0
D 50-59% Average 2.0
E 40-49% Below average 1.0
U < 40% Unsatisfactory 0

Want to know more? On the IBCC website, you can find more information about the new grading system.

Secondary education documents

Students can prove that they have completed upper secondary education with:

They usually receive both documents in English.

Please note:

  • Documents from the high school are not sufficient. The board issues the official diplomas and transcripts.
  • A provisional transcript is not sufficient. Students can ask their board for an official transcript.
  • Sometimes boards differentiate between an internal grade (the result from the school exams) and an external grade (the result from the board exams). When we determine the level of a diploma, we only count the result from the board exams.
  • It is often possible to check results on the website of the board (which awarded the diploma).

Higher education study results

Many higher education institutions use the following system to assess study results:

Percentages Classification
80-100 Distinction
60-79 Division I
45-59 Division II
33-44 Division III
0-32 Fail

Please note:

  • Instead of ‘division’, the term ‘class’ is also frequently used.
  • You can often find an explanation of the classifications on the reverse of the grade list.

Higher education documents

Students can prove that they have completed a study programme in higher education with:

  • the diploma; and
  • the transcript.

They usually receive both documents in English.

Please note:

  • A provisional transcript is not sufficient. Students can apply for an official transcript from their higher education institution.
  • Sometimes it is possible to check results on the website of the higher education institution.