Our international projects as the Dutch ENIC-NARIC

As the National Academic Recognition Centre (ENIC-NARIC) it is our task to uphold and implement the Lisbon Recognition Convention in the Netherlands. We do this in close collaboration with international partners in the European ENIC-NARIC network.
We collaborate with national and international partners in projects to:
- share good practices;
- explore current trends;
- develop quality control, guidelines and training.
Our projects cover different areas, including:
Automatic recognition
Automatic recognition is at the heart of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and, more recently, the European Education Area.
Automatic recognition is an acceptance of national accreditation decisions and qualifications at a system level. This means that if certain general criteria are met, foreign qualifications will be treated similarly as domestic qualifications without the need for an individual evaluation of the study programme.
Nuffic is active in strategies to implement and support automatic recognition regimes.
- AR25 (2023-2025)
- I-AR (concluded)
- qENTRY+ (concluded)
- FAIR (concluded)
- AR-Net (concluded)
The ongoing digitization of student data is changing the landscape of recognition and vice versa. We support strong and clear policy frameworks so the recognition community can fully benefit from the advantages of digitization.
We're also responding to challenges in areas such as privacy, standardisation, data protection and authenticity.
Flexible and modular education
The field of flexible education has rapidly grown over the past years, with an extraordinary acceleration due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are closely following ongoing developments in flexible and modular education, such as microcredentials and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). These can be pillars for innovation, lifelong learning, and can greatly enhance inclusiveness in education.
We aim to develop reliable and accessible methods for the recognition of forms of learning that fall outside of regular degree programmes.
Compliance with the Lisbon Recognition Convention
The LRC has been signed and ratified by 47 countries committed to a fair and smooth recognition of foreign degrees and study programmes. To be accountable to this commitment, recognition authorities often need to re-evaluate and improve their policies and practices.
In our projects we strive towards full compliance with the LRC among recognition authorities, both in the Netherlands and across the EHEA.
Recognition for refugees
The recognition of a foreign degree can form a huge obstacle for refugees who want to find suitable education or work.
Many refugees have lost their documents or cannot transfer them from their home country. Therefore, the Lisbon Recognition Convention asks for special procedures for refugees, displaced persons and persons in a refugee-like situation.
We participate in various projects to strengthen international recognition for refugees.
Training, capacity building and quality assurance
A smooth and fair recognition of foreign qualifications depends on the work of many individuals and agencies. Well-trained staff at higher education institutions and other recognition authorities is needed to ensure a high quality of student mobility.
To strengthen cooperation in the field of recognition, we provide training, capacity building and many other forms of (inter)national collaboration.
- SPOT (2020-2022)
- CALOHE2 (2020-2021)
- DEQAR CONNECT (2017-ongoing)
- NARIC Online Training Course (ongoing)
- IMPACT (concluded)