I-Comply (2019-2021)

I-Comply is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme under Key Action 3: Support of the European Higher Education Area". It was a 2-year project that aimed to tackle the challenges of insufficient compliance with the Lisbon Recognition Convention (LRC), which was highlighted earlier in the Bologna Implementation Report 2018.
The project involved partners in 5 countries:
- Italy
- Lithuania
- the Netherlands
- Poland
- Ukraine.
These countries set to achieve full compliance with the Convention, through a review of the infrastructure for recognition in these countries, implementing and evaluating necessary actions, and peer learning activities.
The project built further on findings and recommendations of work previously undertaken, notably the FAIR project.
The project consisted of 2 tracks:
- The review of the national infrastructures of 5 countries (Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland and Ukraine) against the LRC, followed by the implementation of identified actions to achieve compliance.
- A total of 3 Peer Learning Activities (PLAs).
All outcomes will be published in a final report and further discussed in a European Exploitation Seminar. This Seminar will be made available to ENIC-NARICs and other relevant stakeholders in recognition, notably Higher Education Institutions.
Funding and partners
The I-Comply Project Consortium consists of the following partners:
- A project team consisting of ENIC-NARIC offices.
- A Steering Group of experts from 4 different countries.
- The Ministries of Education of the Netherlands and Ukraine.
The project team (ENIC-NARIC offices):
The Netherlands
The Steering Group:
The Ministries of education of:
The Netherlands (co-ordinator)
Outcomes and Publications
Final outcome report
Towards legal & practical compliance with the LRC (1.59 MB)
The final report captures all good practice developed in I-Comply, including the instruments developed (see annexes). In addition, for each PLA seperate reports were published capturing the discussions in depth.
PLA 1 – Venice, Italy
The objective of this PLA is to identify and design models of good practice to structurally support LRC compliant recognition practices in higher education institutions (HEIs) from a national level. Therefore, different examples will be presented and next discussed by the approximately 25 participants from ENIC-NARICs and other relevant stakeholders such as HEIs, accreditation organizations and student bodies.
PLA 2 – Kyiv, Ukraine
The main objective of the second PLA is on the topic of automatic recognition, and aims to identify the major obstacles to automatic recognition and to provide concrete strategies for national authorities in the EHEA to move forward on the matter.
PLA 3 – Warsaw, Poland
The objective of the final PLA is to improve access to higher education for refugees, displaced persons and persons in a refugee-like situation.
The project outcomes are exploited in a European Exploitation Seminar. This seminar will be online in order to make the seminar accessible to as many interested stakeholders in the EHEA as possible.
Contacts and useful links
The I-Comply project is coordinated by Nuffic on behalf of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.
Do you have any questions? Please contact Ms Jenneke Lokhoff through our contact form, or our general telephone number.
Useful links
For more information about the ENIC-Naric centres and compliance with the Lisbon Convention, please check:
The Lisbon Recognition Convention
The European recognition manual (second edition)
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
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