The objectives in DigiNet were to develop ready-to-go digitization plans for all involved partners, and to provide a framework for good practices for ENIC-NARICs and other stakeholders.

Furthermore, DigiNet aimed to support a European approach to digitisation with common strategies for standardisation of e.g. processes and databases. The projects built on the results obtained in the DigiRec project.


For this project, ENIC-NARICs worked on implementation plans to optimise the digitisation of their credential evaluation workflows. Study webinars and a mini-seminar were organised to take this process forward. All outcomes were published in a practical guidelines report aimed at assisting ENIC-NARIC centres to plan for their further digitisation.

Funding and partners

The DigiNet project was co-funded by Erasmus+ and coordinated by Nuffic. . The consortium consistsed of the following partners:

Project team

  • ENIC-NARIC The Netherlands (coordinator)
  • ENIC-NARIC Italy
  • ENIC-NARIC Estonia
  • ENIC-NARIC Germany
  • ENIC-NARIC Poland
  • ENIC-NARIC Sweden
  • ENIC-NARIC France
  • ENIC Canada

Steering group

  • Groningen Declaration Network (GDN)
  • EMREX (represented by UNIT)
  • IAU


Digitalisation of credential evaluation workflows: Practical guidelines for the ENIC-NARIC Networks (496.10 kB)

Contact and more information

For more information about DigiNet please contact the project coordinator Ms Evelien Willems by filling in our contact form or calling +31 (0)70 4260 260.