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Who are we

We are Nuffic West Asia and North Africa: Our office in Jordan regionally supports access and quality of education, as well as development of knowledge and skills through scholarship and capacity building programmes. The Nuffic West Asia and North Africa (WANA) is located in Amman, Jordan. It acts as Nuffic's regional office supporting knowledge transfer in West Asia and North Africa. Together with the team in the Hague the office is responsible for the successful implementation of Nuffic's capacity development programmes in the WANA region through scholarships, Tailor Made Trainings, programmes and activities that support the quality of education, knowledge development, youth employment, upskilling and capacity building.

What we do

At our office we manage the following programmes:

  • Orange Knowledge Programme: This programme is a global capacity building programme funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It aims to contribute to a society’s sustainable and inclusive development by offering access to education and training to professionals and organisations.
  • MENA Scholarship Programme: The MENA Scholarship Programme (MSP) aims to build bridges through knowledge by offering opportunities for capacity building within organisations in the Middle East and North Africa. It enables young professional impact makers to take part in short courses in the Netherlands, and it facilitates tailor made training for organisations in the region.
  • EDU-Syria: A programme for Syrian refugees in Jordan as well as underprivileged Jordanians, providing access to higher education and the labour market, through a small grants programme.
  • HOPES-LEB: This programme contributes to prospects for refugees from Syria in Lebanon, as well as vulnerable Lebanese youth. HOPES-LEB (Higher and Further Education Opportunities and Perspectives for Syrians and vulnerable youth in Lebanon) is an €8.4 million project funded by the European Union, and implemented by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD),Campus France and Nuffic.


Our office in Jordan is open Sunday-Thursday 9:00-17:00

Our highlights

  • 594 MSP scholarships given from the MSP programme since 2019, for short courses in the Netherlands.
  • 482 OKP scholarships given from OKP programme since 2020, for short courses and Master's degrees in the Netherlands.
  • 100 projects granted from OKP for group training and institutional collaboration.
  • 30 projects granted from HOPES-LEB and EDU-SYRIA to help syrian refugees and host communities.
  • 14 Tailor-Made Training initiatives granted from the MSP programme since 2020.


Read news about events, sessions and more local activities in West Asia and North Africa, written by our colleagues in the region.

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