JDAZ guide
The Joint Degrees from A to Z (JDAZ) project has published ‘Joint Programmes from A to Z: A reference guide for practitioners’.
About the guide
This guide provides information on all relevant issues relating to developing, establishing and sustaining high-quality international joint programmes, which lead to a joint or multiple degree.
Joint programmes from A to Z: A reference guide for practitioners (1.6 MB)
The JDAZ guide aims to:
- assist coordinators of joint programmes, advisory bodies and other experts working or interested in working with joint programmes.
- support the further development of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
- provide an exhaustive source of information for all stakeholders working with joint programmes.
The project
The JDAZ project ran from September 2012 to April 2015 and was implemented by a consortium of six Erasmus Mundus National Structures led by Nuffic, and co-financed by the Erasmus Mundus Programme of the European Commission.
Under this programme, the Erasmus Mundus National Structures were responsible for informing and advising higher education institutions that wanted to develop Erasmus Mundus joint master and/or doctorate programmes.
The JDAZ guide has also been included in the ECApedia.
JDAZ partners
In addition to Nuffic, the coordinator, the following organisations are involved in the implementation of JDAZ:
EU disclaimer
This JDAZ web page reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.