How to use this dashboard:

  1. Select the programme(s)/network(s) in Programme (group) which you are interested in.
  2. Click on a province to see the number of schools in that province which are part of the programme(s)/network(s) you have selected.
  3. Click again on a province to see the specific schools which are part of the programme(s)/network(s) you have selected.
  4. Select the level(s) of education which you wish to include or exclude in the top right corner.
  5. Double-click on the Reset filter button to reset all filters.


Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. The programme is an initiative and gives staff and learners the opportunity to study, train, undertake work experience and volunteer abroad with the aim of boosting skills and employability in The Netherlands. The schools shown in this map have received Erasmus+ funding between the current callyear and 2 callyears back. Specifically you can select on the type of funding:


eTwinning is a European initiative aimed at European schools in primary, secondary, vocational education and training and International Teacher Education (ITE) to encourage European collaboration and the use of online facilities. eTwinning enables partnerships among Europeans schools and helps them develop school projects concerning any subject area with schools from other European countries. The schools shown on this map represent the primary schools at which teachers who have participated in eTwinning between 2021 and 2023 work.

Global Citizen Network

Schools which participate in the Global Citizen Network pay special attention to Global Citizenship. Their goal is to teach their pupils to become global citizens and prepare them for the current international and intercultural society.


LinQ is a network for teachers who teach German and/or French at Dutch secondary schools, who would like to give listening and speaking a prominent place in their classes. The network stimulates the use of the foreign language, communicative education, authentic ways to practice the language, regard for country, culture and current affairs, and European language tools (like the international certificates Goethe and DELF).

Network Chinese

Schools which participate in the network Chinese offer Chinese as a final exam subject. The network offers a database for exams, conferences and workshops for teachers, and meetings for principals and school management to talk about the subject Chinese and how to secure the quality of the subject.

Bilingual Education (tto)

Schools which offer bilingual education. At least half of the classes offered are taught in English. The focal points are language profinciency, CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), and global citizenship. Tto-schools are certified by Nuffic to carry the label.

Bilingual vmbo (voorbereidend middelbaarberoepsonderwijs)

Schools which offer bilingual education on a pre-vocational secondary education level. At least half of the classes offered are taught in English. The focal points are language profinciency, CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), and global citizenship. These schools are certified by Nuffic to carry the label.