Main highlights

  • Graduates of Agriculture & Natural Environment are most likely to have participated in credit mobility. 55% of graduates in 2022 had gained experience abroad during their studies.
  • Within the Economics field of study, doing an internship is becoming more popular, while studying abroad has decreased in popularity since 2020.
  • Graduates in the field of Education were the least likely to have gained experience abroad. Within this field of study, the most common type of experience abroad is study.


  • The Nationale Alumni Enquête is conducted every two years.
  • The survey is distributed among a sample of RU Master’s graduates which does not represent the RU student population as a whole.
  • The data from 2022 contains students who graduated between October 2021 and September 2022.
  • Experience abroad can be gained during the Bachelor’s or Master’s phase, or both.

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