What is a diploma description?

Does an employer or educational institution abroad want to know what your diploma is worth? We can explain that in a diploma description in English or Spanish.

A diploma description includes:

  • your name;
  • information about the Dutch education system;
  • which diploma you have obtained; and
  • which diploma in that country your diploma is most comparable to.

Which diplomas do we describe?

You can request a diploma description with us for the following diplomas:

  • VMBO-T diploma;
  • HAVO diploma;
  • VWO diploma;
  • an HBO or WO diploma from a recognised study programme. This can be a propaedeutic certificate, bachelor’s degree or master’s degree. You can look up whether your study programme is recognised in the Institutions and Programmes Register, RIO (in Dutch).

Do you need a diploma description?

You need a diploma description if you need to show what your Dutch diploma is worth in the country where you will be working or studying.

Please note: sometimes you do not need a diploma description, but something else. In the table below, you can see when you can use another document.

What are you looking for? What do you need to do?
A tool to apply for permission to practice a regulated profession in the EU
A description of the worth of your Dutch high school diploma in general Download a free status declaration on the Europass website (in Dutch).
A description of the subjects in your study programme Contact your Dutch educational institution and request a description of your subjects.
A conversion of your grades to the grades in that country Contact your Dutch educational institution and request a conversion of your grades.
A translation of your diploma or transcript Find a sworn translator to translate your diploma, for example through the Register of Sworn Interpreters and Translators (Rbtv).
A proof that you have obtained your diploma Download a free extract of your Dutch diploma on the DUO website.
A proof that you have a legal diploma (and transcript) Get your Dutch diploma legalised through DUO.

How do you apply for a diploma description?

Looking for a diploma description?

Go to the diploma description application form (in Dutch)

How much does a diploma description cost?

A diploma description costs € 127,05 (including VAT).

Please note: sometimes we are unable to provide a diploma description. This might be because your study programme is not recognised (see ‘Which diplomas do we describe?’) In this case, we cancel your application. You do pay a € 20 administration fee. The remainder of the amount will be refunded to you.

How long does an application take?

Usually, you receive the diploma description within 4 weeks. We will send the document to you.