Tanja Jadnanansing new chairwoman of Nuffic Advisory Board

Jadnanansing: "Now that corona confronts us with major issues, it is important to look at how we relate to the international community."
Posted by Nuffic

Every few months, a group of enthusiastic experts meet to critically think along with Nuffic in the Nuffic Advisory Board. They serve as a sounding board and try to keep Nuffic's thoughts and activities sharp. Tanja Jadnanansing is the new chairman.

Jadnanansing has a great love for education, which she developed during her time in Dutch House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer). She was a Member of Parliament for almost seven years. She was also previously employed at the Albeda College in Rotterdam. Jadnanansing: "Especially today, when corona confronts us with major issues, it is important to look at how we relate to the international community. Education plays a crucial role in this".

Jadnanansing also has a lot of experience with Nuffic's other themes, such as youth and internationalization, which made her the ideal candidate. She is currently chairman of the Executive Board of the Zuidoost district of Amsterdam - a district with more than 170 nationalities and cultures. Her portfolio includes education, youth and culture.

Jadnanansing sees that social relations are currently on edge: "Noting this is a start, but it is much more important to work on solutions. I think that Nuffic's international orientation on education can make an important contribution to the debate. And by providing information and tools in that debate, it can also contribute to solutions".

Nuffic director Freddy Weima is pleased with the appointment: "In the advisory board we have a good mix of students with their feet in the clay and experts from the field. With Tanja Jadnanansing we have a chairman who can really add something. She will use her experience and vision to keep Nuffic sharp and help it move forward. I am very much looking forward to the cooperation".

More information on the Advisory Board can be found on our website.

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