Intercultural citizenship education through picturebooks in early English language learning
- Intercultural citizenship education
- Primary English Language Teaching
- Picturebooks
- Erasmus+
- Primary education
- Pabo
For who?
(Experienced English) teachers in primary education
Short description
Intercultural citizenship education (ICE) is a combination of the intercultural communicative competence in language education and civic action in the community in citizenship education. ICEPELL is an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project which aims to support teachers to confidently integrate intercultural citizenship education into primary English language lessons with children aged 5 to 12 years by using picturebooks.
Avans Hogeschool is one of the six European project partners. In this talk they aim to provide insights into the project and especially the process of selecting suitable picturebooks. In addition, they will present picturebook teaching materials which have been developed by the project partners and their participants (primary teachers and primary student teachers). They will conclude their talk by sharing some comments and observations from Avans Pabo students who participated in this project.
What will you learn?
- You will learn how to select suitable picturebooks.
- You will receive predominantly practical information to support your own efforts of integrating ICE in your primary English language lesson.
- Tatia Gruenbaum, PhD, lecturer and researcher, Lectoraat leerkracht, Avans Hogeschool
- Nathalie Kik, MA, lecturer and researcher, Pabo/Lectoraat leerkracht, Avans Hogeschool
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